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  • Structure and Overview¶

PlayerEx includes an API package, located at com.github.clevernucleus.playerex.api and contains the following:

 ┃ ┣📄 class
 ┃ ┣📄 class
 ┃ ┣📄 class
 ┃ ┗📄 class
 ┃ ┣📄 interface
 ┃ ┗📄 interface
 ┃ ┣📄 class
 ┃ ┗📄 class
 ┣📄 class
 ┣📄 class
 ┣📄 interface
 ┣📄 enum
 ┗📄 interface

The PlayerEx API can be split into four distinct sub-systems: the client-side page/tab registry, which exists to allow developers to add more inventory tabs and content to existing inventory pages; the damage-registry, which exists to allow developers to register damage handlers to better manipulate damage events; the LivingEntityEvents and PlayerEntityEvents classes, which provide developers useful hooks into attributes and specific methods; and finally, the attribute registry - which acts to provide developers with attribute suppliers and access to all the attributes PlayerEx adds.

The following subsections detail every method/field in each java class located in the api package.


Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
public static final DecimalFormat FORMATTING_2 Format for two decimal places.
public static final DecimalFormat FORMATTING_3 Format for three decimal places.
public static double displayValue(Supplier<EntityAttribute> attribute, double value) Takes the input attribute and looks for the PERCENTAGE_PROPERTY property; if it is present, multiplies the input value by the property's multiplier. If not, then looks for the MULTIPLIER_PROPERTY property; if present, multiplies the input value by the property's multiplier. Else returns the input value.
public static String formatValue(Supplier<EntityAttribute> attribute, double value) If the input value is positive, adds the + prefix. If the input attribute has the PERCENTAGE_PROPERTY property, appends the % suffix.
public static void appendChildrenToTooltip(List<Text> tooltip, Supplier<EntityAttribute> attribute) Looks for the input attribute's functions, and if there are any, formats them and adds them to the input list as tooltips.
public static void modifyAttributes(PacketType type, Consumer<BiConsumer<EntityAttributeSupplier, Double>> ... consumers) Client-side. Sends a packet to the server to modify the attribute modifiers provided by PlayerEx by the input amount, and performs the checks and functions dictated by the PacketType (this logic is run on the server when it receives the packet).

Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
protected final HandledScreen<?> parent Reference to the parent screen.
public void render(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) This is where text and tooltips can be rendered, in that order.
public void drawBackground(MatrixStack matrices, float delta, int mouseX, int mouseY) This is where textures and widgets can be rendered, in that order.

Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
public static void registerPage(Identifier pageId, Identifier icon, Identifier texture, Text title) Registers a page and tab to the PlayerEx screen.
public static void registerPage(Identifier pageId, Identifier icon, Text title) Registers a page and tab to the PlayerEx screen, but with the default background.
public static void registerLayer(Identifier pageId, PageLayer.Builder builder) Registers a page layer to a page of the same input pageId.

Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
public static RenderComponent of(Supplier<EntityAttribute> attribute, Function<LivingEntity, Text> function, Function<LivingEntity, List<Text>> tooltip, int dx, int dy) Creates a new RenderComponent object.
public static RenderComponent of(Function<LivingEntity, Text> function, Function<LivingEntity, List<Text>> tooltip, int dx, int dy) Creates a new RenderComponent object.
private boolean isMouseOver(float x, float y, float width, float height, int mouseX, int mouseY) Checks to see if the mouse is over the input area.
public void renderText(LivingEntity livingEntity, MatrixStack matrices, TextRenderer textRenderer, int x, int y, float scaleX, float scaleY) Renders the text from the input function.
public void renderTooltip(LivingEntity livingEntity, RenderTooltip consumer, MatrixStack matrices, TextRenderer textRenderer, int x, int y, int mouseX, int mouseY, float scaleX, float scaleY) Renders tooltip for the given text.

Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
float apply(LivingEntity livingEntity, DamageSource source, float damage) Using the input conditions, modifies the incoming damage (either reducing or increasing it) and returns the result.

Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
boolean test(LivingEntity livingEntity, DamageSource source, float damage) Determines, using the input conditions, whether to apply the DamageFunction to the incoming damage of the LivingEntity.

Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
public static final Event<Healed> ON_HEAL Fired before LivingEntity#heal; allows the amount healed to be modified before healing happens. Setting the output to 0 is an unreliable way to negate incoming damage depending on other mods installed. Instead, use SHOULD_HEAL.
public static final Event<Heal> SHOULD_HEAL Fired at the start of LivingEntity#heal, but before healing is applied. Can return false to cancel all healing, or true to allow it.
public static final Event<Tick> EVERY_SECOND Fired once at the end of LivingEntity#tick, every 20 ticks (1 second).
public static final Event<Damaged> ON_DAMAGE Fired before LivingEntity#damage; allows the amount of damage to be modified before it is used in any way. Can be used to perform logic prior to the damage method, and can return the original damage to avoid modifying the value. The original value is the incoming damage, followed by the result of this event by any previous registries. Setting the output to 0 is an unreliable way to negate incoming damage depending on other mods installed. Instead, use SHOULD_DAMAGE.
public static final Event<Damage> SHOULD_DAMAGE Fired after: LivingEntity#isInvulnerableTo``World#isClient``LivingEntity#isDead``DamageSource#isFire and LivingEntity#hasStatusEffect``LivingEntity#isSleepingbut before all other logic is performed. Can be used to cancel the method and prevent damage from being taken by returning false. Returning true allows the logic to continue.
public interface Healed {...} Nested functional interface for ON_HEAL .
public interface Heal {...} Nested functional interface for SHOULD_HEAL .
public interface Tick {...} Nested functional interface for EVERY_SECOND .
public interface Damaged {...} Nested functional interface for ON_DAMAGE .
public interface Damage {...} Nested functional interface for SHOULD_DAMAGE .

Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
public static final Event<AttackCritDamage> ON_CRIT Fired after the player lands a critical hit. The result is the damage.
public static final Event<AttackCritBoolean> SHOULD_CRIT Fired when determining if the player's attack is critical. Return true if it is critical, return false if it is not.
public interface AttackCritDamage {...} Nested functional interface for ON_DAMAGE .
public interface AttackCritBoolean {...} Nested functional interface for SHOULD_DAMAGE .

Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
private final Identifier identifier The attribute's identifier (data does not change, objects do).
public static EntityAttributeSupplier of(Identifier registryKey) Creates a new EntityAttributeSupplier object.
public Identifier getId() Returns the supplier's attribute registry key.
public EntityAttribute get() Returns the mapped EntityAttribute object in the games attribute registry if it exists for this supplier's registry key; otherwise, returns null.
Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
public static final String MODID The PlayerEx mod id.
public static final String INTEGER_PROPERTY Round value to integer property that is attached to some attributes.
public static final String PERCENTAGE_PROPERTY Multiply value by property and append % symbol.
public static final String MULTIPLY_PROPERTY Multiply value by property.
public static final UUID PLAYEREX_MODIFIER_ID The UUID PlayerEx attribute modifiers use.
public static final CacheableValue<Integer> LEVEL_VALUE The CacheableValue key for PlayerEx's player data..
public static final ComponentKey<PlayerData> PLAYER_DATA The Caridnal Components Key for PlayerEx player data.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier LEVEL The level attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier CONSTITUTION The constitution attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier STRENGTH The strength attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier DEXTERITY The dexterity attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier INTELLIGENCE The intelligence attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier LUCKINESS The luckiness attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier EVASION The evasion attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier LIFESTEAL The lifesteal attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier HEALTH_REGENERATION The health regeneration attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier HEAL_AMPLIFICATION The heal amplification attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier MELEE_CRIT_DAMAGE The melee crit damage attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier MELEE_CRIT_CHANCE The melee crit chance attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier RANGED_CRIT_DAMAGE The ranged crit damage attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier RANGED_CRIT_CHANCE The ranged crit chance attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier RANGED_DAMAGE The ranged damage attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier FIRE_RESISTANCE The fire resistance attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier FREEZE_RESISTANCE The freeze resistance attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier LIGHTNING_RESISTANCE The lightning resistance attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier POISON_RESISTANCE The poison resistance attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier WITHER_RESISTANCE The wither resistance attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier BREAKING_SPEED The breaking speed attribute.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier REACH_DISTANCE The reach distance attribute. This is not implemented by PlayerEx, but by JamieWhiteShirt's reach-entity-attributes.
public static final EntityAttributeSupplier ATTACK_RANGE The attack range attribute. This is not implemented by PlayerEx, but by JamieWhiteShirt's reach-entity-attributes.
public static ExConfig getConfig() Access to PlayerEx's config.
public static void registerDamageModification(DamagePredicate predicate, DamageFunction function) Registers a damage modification condition that is applied to living entities under specific circumstances.
public static void registerRefundCondition(BiFunction<PlayerData, PlayerEntity> refundCondition) Registers a refund condition. Refund conditions tell the game what can be refunded and what the maximum number of refund points are for a given circumstance.
Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
boolean resetOnDeath()
boolean isAttributesGuiDisabled()
int skillPointsPerLevelUp()
int requiredXp(PlayerEntity player)
float levelUpVolume()
float skillUpVolume()
float textScaleX()
float textScaleY()

Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
public static final PacketType DEFAULTDoes nothing extra - just allows the server to modify PlayerEx's attribute modifiers.
public static final PacketType LEVELOnly allows modification if the player's experience levels are greater than or equal to the required xp to level up. Also removes those experience levels from the player and adds n skill points; where n is defined by config option skill points per level up.
public static final PacketType SKILLOnly allows modification if the player's skill points are greater than or equal to 1. Also subtracts one skill point from the player.
public static final PacketType REFUNDOnly allows modification if the player's refund points are greater than or equal to 1. Also subtracts one refund point and adds one skill point.
public static PacketType fromId(byte id)Gets the correct PacketType from the input (or else DEFAULT).
public byte id()Returns the PacketType's id.
public boolean test(MinecraftServer server, ServerPlayerEntity player, PlayerData data)Runs the test function.

Last update: 5 months ago2024-10-13