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  • Structure and Overview

Data Attributes includes an API package, located at com.github.clevernucleus.dataattributes.api and contains the following:

 ┃ ┣📄 interface
 ┃ ┣📄 enum
 ┃ ┣📄 interface
 ┃ ┣📄 interface
 ┃ ┣📄 interface
 ┃ ┗📄 interface
 ┃ ┣📂client
 ┃ ┃ ┗📄 class
 ┃ ┃
 ┃ ┣📄 class
 ┃ ┣📄 class
 ┃ ┗📄 class
 ┗📄 class
  • API Content

The following subsections detail every method/field in each java class located in the api package.

Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
double minValue() - Returns the attribute’s minimum value.
double maxValue() - Returns the attribute’s maximum value.
StackingBehaviour stackingBehaviour() - Returns the attribute’s stacking behaviour enum type.
Map<IEntityAttribute, Double> children() - Returns an immutable map of the function-children attached to this attribute.
Collection<String> properties() - Returns an immutable collection of the properties’ keys attached to this attribute.
boolean hasProperty(String property) - Returns true if this attribute has the input property key, false if not or if the input is null.
String getProperty(String property) - Returns the attribute’s property value mapped to the input key. If it does not exist or is null, returns "".
Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
void updateModifier(UUID uuid, double value) - Changes the value of the input modifier (if it exists) and updates the instance and all children.
Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
default Multimap<EntityAttribute, EntityAttributeModifier> getAttributeModifiers(ItemStack stack, EquipmentSlot slot) - This method provides a mutable attribute modifier multimap so that items can have dynamically changing modifiers based on nbt. By default returns an empty HashMultimap.
Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
publicstatic final StackingBehaviour FLAT - Flat/normal stacking behaviour.
publicstatic final StackingBehaviour DIMINISHING - diminishing/normal stacking behaviour.
public byte id() - Returns the byte id of the behaviour enum.
public double max(double current, double input) - Clamps the input and returns the greater of the current or absolute clamped input.
public double stack(double current, double input) - Clamps the input and returns the current + the absolute clamped input.
public double result(double k, double k2, double v, double v2, double increment) - Returns the inputs through the correct function for the specific behaviour type.
public static StackingBehaviour of(byte id) - Takes a byte id and retusn the corresponding behaviour type.
Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
double result(double k, double k2, double v, double v2, double increment) - Returns the inputs through the correct function for the specific behaviour type.
Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
public static final Event<Reloaded> EVENT - Fires when the value of an attribute instance has been modified, either by adding/removing a modifier or changing the value of a modifier.
public static final Event<Clamp> CLAMPED - Fires after the attribute instance value is calculated, but before it is output. This offers one last chance to alter the value in some way (for example round a decimal to an integer).
public interface Modified {…} - Nested functional interface for MODIFIED.
public interface Reloaded {…} - Nested functional interface for EVENT.
Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
public static final Event<Reloaded> EVENT - Event that allows for logic reliant on datapack attributes to be ordered after they are loaded on both the server and client. Fired on Server upon joining world and on datapack reload through /reload. Fired on Client when selecting datapacks and after server has synced with client.
public interface Reloaded {…} - Nested functional interface for EVENT.
Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
public static UUID attackDamageModifierID() - Returns Item#ATTACK_DAMAGE_MODIFIER_ID.
public static UUID attackSpeedModifierID() - Returns Item#ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER_ID.
Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
default void onStackCreated(ItemStack itemStack, int count) - Fired on the constructor for itemstacks. All items are automatically an instance of ItemHelper, so checks should be made when using this to avoid running unnecessary logic on all itemstack creation events. Example usage includes attaching nbt data when an itemstack is first created.
default float getAttackDamage(ItemStack itemStack) - Returns 0.0 by default. ItemStack dependent version of SwordItem#getAttackDamage and MiningToolItem#getAttackDamage; for the SwordItem and MiningToolItem, returns the non-itemstack dependent methods.
default float getProtection(ItemStack itemStack) - Returns 0.0 by default. ItemStack dependent version of ArmorItem#getProtection; for ArmorItem, returns the non-itemstack dependent method.
default float getToughness(ItemStack itemStack) - Returns 0.0 by default. ItemStack dependent version of ArmorItem#getToughness; for ArmorItem, returns the non-itemstack dependent method.
SoundEvent getEquipSound(ItemStack itemStack) - Returns null by default. ItemStack dependent version of Item#getEquipSound.
Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
public static Map<K, V> enumLookupMap(V[] values, Function<V, K> mapping) - Creates a static lookup map for the input enum#values implementation.
public static float parse(String string) - Parses a string to a float. If it cannot be parsed, returns 0F.
public static double stairs(double x, double stretch, double steepness, double xOffset, double yOffset) - A staircase function based on Math#sin.
public static boolean isWithinLimits(double value, double min, double max) - Returns true if the value is less than max and greater than or equal to min.
Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
public RandDistribution(T fallback) - Constructor.
public void add(T input, float weight) - Adds to the internal inventory of the distributor.
public T getDistributedRandom() - Returns a randomly distributed and weighted result.
Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
void accept() - A functional interface equivalent to a Consumer, but with no parameters.
Modifiers and Type Method/Field and Description
public static final String MODID - The mod id.
public static Supplier<EntityAttribute> getAttribute(Identifier registryKey) - Returns a Supplier getting the registered attribute assigned to the input key. Uses a supplier because attributes added through json are null until datapacks are loaded/synced to the client, so static initialisation would not work.
public static T ifPresent(LivingEntity entity, Supplier<EntityAttribute> attribute, T fallback, Function<Float, T> function) - Allows for Optional-like use of attributes that may or may not exist all the time. This is the correct way of getting and using values from attributes loaded by datapacks. If the entity is not null and the input attribute exists, and the entity has the input attribute, passes and returns the input function. Otherwise, returns the fallback input.

Last update: 2024-05-23